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help setting up network lab at work

20 years 3 weeks ago #6938 by jamesf
Hi All ,

Just joined site and very impressive. I have some routers\switches etc. at work and I am looking to set up a lab. I would like to set up 2+ networks with a firewall and maybe some more stuff etc. Just wondering is there any resource site etc. I can use with a step by step guide to setting it up etc.

I want to get some experience in this area as I have not much opportunites here at work.

Thanks a mil
20 years 3 weeks ago #6943 by sahirh
What is the exact config you want to do, if you post the diagram etc here we will help you out.


Sahir Hidayatullah. Staff - Associate Editor & Security Advisor
20 years 3 weeks ago #6972 by blackgoth
Hi Sahir,

>What is the exact config you want to do, if you post the diagram etc here we will help you out.

I have also purchased some equipment from Ebay - All Cisco stuff, 2950 - switch, 2620, 2610 -routers, 2522 -frame relay switch, 2 x 1603 -routers. I am not sure what sort of lab I should be building??!! I obviously want it to take me to CCNP level so I am prepared to build on it over time but not sure where to start.

I am on the CISCO Academy course but their lab is just a tame 5 x 2501 setup with dce/dte cables acting as the wan cloud.

I have looked at your 4 labs proposed set up and see that you have an ISDN simulator. I would like to do this lab but an ISDN simulator is VERY expensive. I have looked everywhere on the net and can't find a PC solution. I might be able to build Lab 3 but don't know where to start.

Any advice in setting up a lab would be most welcome - or to see how you are buiding your labs with documentation would be very interesting for all visitors.

I can't find anywhere on Google where someone has built a CISCO Lab and documented it online. Some of the visiotrs here might know?

Thanks .
Paul Price
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