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Organisation wallpaper on all Pc's logging into the Domain

14 years 6 months ago #35512 by majidxlnt
Hi All,

Iam looking for information on how to deploy a organisation wallpaper on every pc in the network.Anybody who logs into the domain should get the wallpaper.Do i have to ask my end user support team to deploy it manually on all the pc's in the network or can i make any changes on the server settings so that anyuser who logs in the domain will get the wallpaper.I have created a wallpaper with the company logo and some quotes.

How can i deploy that on all the pc's connnecting on my network

Please Guide me.

Mohammad Majed Hafeez
Network Administrator
14 years 6 months ago #35525 by KiLLaBeE
You can do this using group policy. Part of the process involves you specifying where the logo image and then specifying which computers should get it, I don't remember.

Look up "deploy wallpaper using group policy"
14 years 6 months ago #35526 by Bublitz
Most of the time the GPO for setting a background you need Active Desktops which I am personally not a fan of (does some weird changes REQUIRES IE). If you enable that you'll need to add more settings to GPO to get everything to look the way it did and it might freak out your users.

So do the WORKAROUND which is editing the registry not actually enabling active desktop. You can make registry changes to multiple PC's with GPO

Put the .jpeg .gif or whatever in the netlogon folder so all users have access so \\(DOMAIN NAME.ORG)\Netlogon

There are many ways to do this but this way will give you less headaches.

I want to stress again do the workaround in the article not the desktop wallpaper gpo setting.

The Bublitz
Systems Admin
Hospice of the Red River Valley
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