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Linksys WRT54G Troubles (GUI, Firmware, etc.)

14 years 7 months ago #33697 by Nightmare
Hello forum!

So, a friend of mine's Linksys WRT54G v.5 router was setup out-of-box, plugged in and left alone.

Consequently, there's no security, nada. Last night, someone was on the network that wasn't in the house, and there were a few things that made it rather supicious. They left eventually, but nonetheless, today I would like to add some security. My troubles began when I went to the web interface. I was able to log in perfectly fine, but the GUI loads with no words, buttons, only text boxes and the back ground. (I will include a screenshot) The firmware is version 1.00.1. I thought that perhaps a firmware upgrade would make the GUI load properly. Unfortunately, I can't find tftp.exe and the Auto Upgrade Utility that I downloaded from Linksys says that it can't communicate with the server. I linked to the router via ethernet cable, so I'm not trying to do this wirelessly. Does anyone have any ideas on how I can get the GUI to load properly with or without firmware upgrade?

I'm running Vista Home Premium SP1, I have tried connecting to GUI with and without Windows Firewall turned on. I'm running McAfee Antivirus. I've tried resetting the router.

Heeelp :[

** Screenshot of GUI:
14 years 7 months ago #33698 by ZiPPy
Well Nightmare it looks like you found a childish script kiddie who "thinks" he hacked your router by simply entering the default login/password. He basically bricked your router.

First off, you have to upgrade the firmware. Version 1.1 is very old firmware and probably has tons of security vulnerabilities.

Here is what I would do ...scrap the old Linksy's firmware and upgrade to DD-WRT firmware here:

Do a little reading and poking around on that site and get that firmware installed. Next you MUST put some security on your router, especially the login. This is the first thing you have to always change when dropping a home router on your network. Enable the basic security for your WiFi ...even if it's just WEP. Some is better than none when it comes to security.

If your still unable to load the firmware on the router, then it goes back to having a bricked router. I hate telling people they have to buy a new router, but sometimes its inevitable. But I'm pretty sure you can load the DD-WRT firmware and that should set you straight.

By the way ...don't be overwhelmed by all the settings and options in DD-WRT. Just set the basic settings and the ones you know exactly are for. If you don't know what it is, leave it default.

Give that a shot mate and let us know how it goes.



14 years 7 months ago #33701 by Nightmare
Well, I gave the wiki a read and it seems pretty intensive, which isn't too say I'm not willing to give it a shot. I'm not completely novice, but the only thing that concerns me is that this isn't my router. It's a friends, and their whole family uses it, etc. So I would haaate to be responsible for bricking their router >_< (I am however very interested in putting dd-wrt on my own router haha)

Is there a way I could just use the newest version of Linksys firmware for this router?
14 years 7 months ago #33703 by ZiPPy
Ya if the router isn't yours, I would just go with the stock firmware just make sure its the latest. For yourself, definitely get the DD-WRT you won't regret it.

Try this:
To do a "hard reset for anyone not knowing OP or otherwise, hold the reset button with the power on, for 30 seconds, then while continuing to hold the reset button, unplug the linksys router, continuing to hold the red button in the back for 30 seconds, and while still holding it in, plug in the power again and keep holding the reset button for an additional 30 seconds. This will wipe the nvram out. Keep in mind with hard resets the linksys routers can be touchy I had to do it three times till it fully cleared out the nvram on mine" I think this forum poster actually meant that it will reset back to firmware/factory defaults, but as stated above, it could have unpleasant results "on some less-supported hardware".

To do a hard reset on your router.



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