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RTR Scheduling Tips

15 years 1 month ago #32198 by Kajitora
RTR Scheduling Tips was created by Kajitora
If your a young network engineer like my self you may never of heard of rtr. Basically it is the old school ip sla, but if you are like me you probably have a few routers around that still run some pre 2007 versions of code that dont have ip sla on them.

RTR basically allows you to schedule the router to do a task at a defined interval, today I used it to ping a host every 15 seconds to make sure its up, and if it does go down it throws a log msg.

First things first, you setup a rtr process:
rtr 1
type echo protocol ipIcmpEcho 10.x.x.x
frequency 15

Then you have to start it, you can schedule it to run at certain times of day, or to only run for a set amount of time, or to start at a certain time, its very robust. I just tell it to start now and run forever:

rtr schedule 1 life forever start-time now

At this point your process is running, you can do the following to see if it has ever missed a ping, last delay, and all sorts of other cool stuff:

show rtr operational-state

But if your like me and dont want to check it, you can use the following. I setup my SNMP server to shoot me an email as well, but thats up to you:

event manager applet rtr_probe_fail
event snmp oid get-type exact entry-op eq entry-val 1 exit-op eq exit-val 2 poll-interval 5
action 1.0 syslog priority critical msg "10.X.X.X is down!"

No more ping 10.x.x.x -t for me!
15 years 1 month ago #32220 by talk2sp
Replied by talk2sp on topic nice... but
hey kaj nice tip. Is RTR (Routing table rescheduling) / Router Rescheduling?

Nice tip once again.


c0de - 3
Take Responsibility! Don't let failures define you
15 years 1 month ago #32221 by Kajitora
Replied by Kajitora on topic Re: RTR Scheduling Tips
Had to dig @ a while for this one. RTR stands for "Response Time Reporter"
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