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Can someone help?

15 years 11 months ago #28785 by wiggy
Can someone help? was created by wiggy
Hello I would like to put a small network around 50 computers my problem is I don't know how to configure the router in order that the computers inside the network will communicate. I have cisco router 2800 series and it is not configured I want to used it for networking of 50 computers but I don't know how to configure. supposed that I will use an IP range - 253 how can I configure that in the router? and how can I restrict or implement securities for the routers? and allow users to used the internet from the network. the bottom line of this is I need someone to give me a sample or do the configuration for me. I will pay for it.

15 years 11 months ago #28786 by biju
Replied by biju on topic Re: Can someone help?
yes i can help you
You have a cisco router 2800 series right
you want to connect to 50 computers right
what u have to do right now is .............
firstly connect the router to one computer
then u have to check whether u have got a ip address fron the ISP
if you ahve got it fine.
go to the router settings by opening the broswer typing
check out what is the cisco default no... for every router it would be different.
then a page would be displayed .
select the setting like basic settings, wireless settings etc.
choose ....
for more information e-mail me but dont sent me spam ..

for connecting 50 computers you should have a switch... because you have to connect many computers. and the connection would be slow............ well i can help you.....

my e- mail address

I would help you ...... in details...

15 years 11 months ago #28797 by sose
Replied by sose on topic Re: Can someone help?
you need a working LAN first, then you configure the router as a gateway to your LAN.

A simple switched workgroup will do, then you have to conversant with your command line to configure your router
15 years 11 months ago #28857 by S0lo
Replied by S0lo on topic Re: Can someone help?

I have cisco router 2800 series and it is not configured I want to used it for networking of 50 computers but I don't know how to configure. supposed that I will use an IP range - 253 how can I configure that in the router?

Added to what have been said above, here is a typical router setup. After connecting a switch to all your PCs and connecting one of the ports to router. Assign an IP address to the router interface connected to the switch. like this:

[code:1]Router> enable
Router# conf t
Router(config)# interface FastEthernet0/0
Router(config-if)# ip address
Router(config-if)# no shutdown

This assigns IP address to the router interface FastEthernet0/0 and gives it a /24 subnet mask. I'm assuming here you have an interface named FastEthernet0/0 on your router. Replace this by what ever port name you have. You can see the names/status of all ports like this:

[code:1]Router# show ip interface brief[/code:1]

Hope this gives a start.

Studying CCNP...

Ammar Muqaddas
Forum Moderator
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