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Multimodal fiber link witth Cisco equipment

16 years 2 months ago #26870 by Dexterp37

first of all, thank you for all the resources available on this forum/web site :) Your VLAN guide is awesome!

Now, to the business :D I've been asked to make a multimodal fiber link between 2 sites. Site A, is where our carrier gives us access to a fiber terminal node, enabling us to use ~40mbit/s of bandwidth. Site B is the main building of the company I work for. Because of an agreement between our carrier and us, we need to link those two sites with the multimodal fiber link I talked about before, but I have no idea on the Cisco equipment to use.

Any idea?

Thanks in advance,
16 years 2 months ago #26883 by TheBishop
Hi Dexterp37
There are a few things to think about here. How successful you will be using multimode fibre depends on (a) what the length/distance of the link is, and (b) what speed do you hope to run this link at.
If you look on the Cisco website for specifications of their SFP and GBIC modules you'll find that there are various ones available to suit combinations of the above. So your first step is to check that what you want to do is feasible with the modules available. After that the selection of the actual switches you'll choose depends more on the features and performance you require than the physical constraints of the fibre link.
If you can provide the distance, required link speed and the specification/type of the fibre we'll be able to advise in more detail
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