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What's the best strategy when moving servers to new location

16 years 10 months ago #25903 by lawin
Here's my scenario. The old server room is located in an old bldg. within the campus. Construction of a new 5 story bldg. is already completed and Structured Cabling for Voice and Data is on going. The plan was to move all servers to a new server room in the new bldg. 2 CAT6 UTP cables were installed between the old server room to the new server room to give network connectivity from the new location to the old bldg. I have DSL, 1 core switch/24 ports, 1 firewall/router, 1 web server, 1 file server and a DNS server that I need to move to the new location. We are using IP scheme but I am planning of using instead because I want to create VLANs later. So what I am thinking was to built 1 server for DHCP and DNS and 1 firewall/router so that when I move the other servers, I already have a working DHCP, DNS and firewall/router. All I need is to change the ip address of the webserver and the file server during the movement. But this is my idea. I want to know what is the best strategy for others. Also, our DNS and file server are using the SME Server distro. What is the best distro to use as DHCP and DNS servers and/or file servers? I have used Fedora Core 5 before but their might be better ones that others are using. Btw, this is a school campus that has 15 buildings that houses administration offices, library, housing and recreation.

16 years 9 months ago #26044 by ikon
For Production Network/server i dont think you can fault Debian.

16 years 9 months ago #26106 by lawin
Sorry for the late reply. Been busy here. Thanks for your reply. Trying out Ubuntu server.
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