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Fault Tolerant Printing

17 years 10 months ago #21382 by illness
I have couple of blade servers and would like to come-up with some kind of fault tolerant printing.

I would prefer to use Windows 2003 Standard and not Enterprise Clustering.

Any of you guys out there have a nifty solution for this?
17 years 10 months ago #21383 by Smurf
Replied by Smurf on topic Re: Fault Tolerant Printing
Can ya elaborate a little ?

How do you do it currently ?
Can the client not print directly to the printers (attached to print servers) or do they need to go through a server for administration of the printer queues ?
Why not have two servers with a printer attached (or attached to the printers over the network) and have to printer drivers installed. If one printer fails, pause the print queue on the server and tell users to print to the other printer ?


Wayne Murphy Team Member

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17 years 10 months ago #21411 by eylli
Replied by eylli on topic Re: Fault Tolerant Printing
Thats a good idea Smurf

Here at my site this is the solution that we have done.

we hape approxim. 26 printers nstallet at the two servers.

I think it is more simple and you will have a siple thing to administer without complication.

17 years 10 months ago #21425 by KiLLaBeE
You can do like eylli suggests, setup both servers with their individual print pools and distinguish one as the failover server/pool.

17 years 10 months ago #21661 by illness
Replied by illness on topic Re: Fault Tolerant Printing
Yeah, that's what we've done here, loaded up a pair of servers with the same print drivers and paths to them...

I was looking for a way to have some kind of failover.
17 years 10 months ago #21666 by KiLLaBeE
How about printing over the HTTP protocol? You can configure an offsite printer for that purpose, that way if the print servers in your location go down, you can still print to offsite.

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