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port span at cisco cat 6509 - L2

18 years 5 months ago #16559 by ospf
i hav 2 cisco cat 6509 that are capable to perform at L3 and L2. at L3 i do a routing and all Vlan are conf on that layer while L2 i conf each port based on Vlan at L3. my problem is at L2 that i can't span port more than 1 port. can someone show to me how can i monitor/sniff (span port) more than 1 port at L2. all feedback are much appreciate. tq.
18 years 5 months ago #16590 by jwj
This is pretty easy to do. Let's say you want to monitor fast ethernet 1/1 receive and 2/2 transmit. Let's also say that fast ethernet 1/48 is your monitoring station. Get into config mode and enter these commands:

switch(config)#monitor session 1 source interface fastethernet 1/1 rx
switch(config)#monitor session 1 source interface fastethernet 2/2 tx
switch(config)#monitor session 1 destination interface fastethernet 1/48

18 years 5 months ago #16598 by ospf
there is no command for 'monitor'. in L2 config any conf we should start with 'set' <command> . i found 'set span' command to monitor a port, but it only can span for 1 port. i want span more than 1 port. so how the command i should issue.
18 years 5 months ago #16614 by jwj
So you run Cat OS instead of IOS. It's easy to do in Cat OS as well.

switch(enable) set span 1/1,2/2 1/48

Once again, fast ethernet 1/1 and 2/2 are your ports to monitor, and 1/48 is your monitoring station. You can also do ranges of ports by putting a dash in between the beginning and ending port range (ex. 1/1-48).

18 years 5 months ago #16619 by ospf
so thats mean the last port is the monitoring port station while any port before that is the port we wanted to span

eg: switch(enable) set span 1/1, 2/2, 2/3, 3/12, 1/48

- span port = 1/1, 2/2, 2/3, 3/12
- monitoring port = 1/48

is it corrrect? .... i try this first.
18 years 5 months ago #16622 by Dove
chk this link hope it will help you.

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