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vlan on 3com 4226t switch

19 years 1 month ago #12821 by kdawood
My 3com switch is 4000 series switch (4226T)

If anyones know how to configure vlan with these 3com switch, please teach me or tell me the related webpage! Thanks.

Thanks in Advance
19 years 1 month ago #12824 by havohej

if you have configured vlans in old catalyst switches the ios and the 3com image is very similar, you must select it by menu options.

I have a 3com 4400 superstack 3, and its an easy task.

here I paste the confifuration, Look at the menu options I choose and then create the vlan.

Type "quit" to return to the previous menu or ? for help
Select menu option (bridge): quit

Menu options:
3Com SuperStack 3 Switch 4400 SE
bridge - Administer bridge-wide parameters
feature - Administer system features
logout - Logout of the Command Line Interface
physicalInterface - Administer physical interfaces
protocol - Administer protocols
security - Administer security
system - Administer system-level functions
trafficManagement - Administer traffic management

Select menu option: bridge

Menu options:
3Com SuperStack 3 Switch 4400 SE
addressDatabase - Administer bridge addresses
broadcastStormCtrl - Enable/disable broadcast storm control
linkAggregation - Administer aggregated links
multicastFilter - Administer multicast filtering
port - Administer bridge ports
resilientLinks - Administer resilient links
spanningTree - Administer spanning tree
summary - Display summary information
vlan - Administer VLANs

Type "quit" to return to the previous menu or ? for help

Select menu option (bridge): vlan

Menu options:
3Com SuperStack 3 Switch 4400 SE
create - Create a VLAN
delete - Delete a VLAN
detail - Display detailed information
modify - Modify a VLAN
summary - Display summary information

Type "quit" to return to the previous menu or ? for help

Select menu option (bridge/vlan): create
Select VLAN ID (2-4094)[3]: 15
Enter VLAN Name [VLAN 15]:

Select menu option (bridge/vlan):

Menu options:
3Com SuperStack 3 Switch 4400 SE
create - Create a VLAN
delete - Delete a VLAN
detail - Display detailed information
modify - Modify a VLAN
summary - Display summary information

Select menu option (bridge/vlan): modify

Menu options:
3Com SuperStack 3 Switch 4400 SE
addPort - Add a port to a VLAN
name - Name a VLAN
removePort - Remove a port from a VLAN

Type "quit" to return to the previous menu or ? for help
Select menu option (bridge/vlan/modify): addport
Select VLAN ID (1-2,10,15)[1]: 15
Select bridge ports (AL1-AL4,unit:port...,?): 1:8
Enter tag type (untagged,tagged): tagged

VLAN ID: 15 Name:

Unit Untagged Member Ports Tagged Member Ports
1 none 8
Aggregated Links none none

thats all, hope it helps.

salute :twisted:
19 years 1 month ago #12847 by kdawood
thanks a lot
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