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configuring pppoe connection on 2600

19 years 1 month ago #12806 by gleeb
i have a cisco 2600 router and i want to configure ADSL thrue it..

i have an external "B-focus" modem/router and i wna him to act as a modem and the 2600 as the router.

i have found how to configue the router (i hope)
(last one there is the external modem build)

but i still dont know where i configure the username/password, or the "continues/dial on demand" connection.
the only thing i can think of is that i need to configure it on the "B-focus" and then make the router as a computer thats connected to the allways on router (sceam the B-focus) but it will actualy do NAT from the inside LAN to the (router->B-focus) LAN

thank you.
19 years 1 month ago #12812 by havohej

drawing the topology you mention, there is a box acting as the first hop in the cpe that gives to you the provider.
these machine has one dsl 2 wire port connected to the local loop, and one ethernet port connected to the inside of your network (the lan).
so starting from this point you can route everything because the machine is acting as a router (if it is configured for routing).
If you still want to use the 2600 as the default gateway for the lan pcs, you must give the router an address that belongs to the ethernet interface of the dsl router, (of course you need two ethernet interfaces or if you have a vlan capable switch you can setup 2 vlans in the switch, and then the ethernet interface of the router you must create 2 subinterfaces.

then you must create a new subnet for the local lan machines, (the router muts have one addres of the new lan subnet of your hosts, and one address of the lan subnet connected to the dsl router.

then you must simple do a nat overloading using the cisco ethernet interface address or dynamic, it depends of how many ip address gives you the provider.

the commands for setup the username and password for the router to act as a client is :

router(config)# username "yourusername" password "yourpassword"

but with the topology if first mentioned you dont need to setup the username or password in the cisco, I think it muts be setup int the dsl router.

If the providers equipment act as a bridge, you must setup routing int the 2600, and of course configure pppoe. and again the router is the client connectign to the agregation router, and you must also use nat for it.

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