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question about ip adressing..

19 years 2 months ago #10782 by Nedbuhannezzar
if i have a lan with 300 pc's the ip that i'll give will be *.1 to *.300 the fact is that i cant give any ip over *.255, so... how i'll adress the lan, what ip i should give!?
19 years 2 months ago #10786 by DaLight
You are not restricted to just the last octet in your addressing scheme. Say for example you are using 192.168.x.x. You could choose a subnet mask of and then be able to use all the following ranges: [code:1]192.168.0.[1-254], 192.168.2.[1-254], ........., 192.168.254.[1-254][/code:1] Obviously, as you only need 300 IPs, 192.168.0.[1-254] and 192.168.1.[1-254] would give you over 500 IPs to play with. There is a good tutorial under Networking/General/Subnetting in the Articles section which will give you a more detailed understanding of the topic of subnetting. Others more familiar with the concept may also want to give a more structured reply ...
19 years 2 months ago #10788 by Rockape

I think you have explained that nice and simply. I was trying to think of an easy way to explain it, but gave up :shock:

Well done :wink:
19 years 2 months ago #11081 by rickardo
yes but if he wanted just one address..e.g.192.168.x.x then /23 would give him 500 host addresses :!:
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