Cisco Wireless Controllers (WLC) Datasheets Available for Download
We would like to inform our readers that has just made available as a free download all of Cisco's Wireless Controller Datasheets.
The datasheets provide valuable infomation for all currently available Cisco Wireless Controllers including:
- Scalability,
- Performance speed
- RF Management
- QoS features
- Supported Access Points models
- Maximum Access Points & SSIDs
- Supported Wireless Standard (802.11xx)
- Physical interfaces
- Redundancy options
- Security standards
- RFC compliance and support
- Supported encryption methods
- Authentication - Authorization & Accounting (AAA) support
- Ordering information (product-id)
- Optional accessories
- License upgrade options their product-id
Read our article on Cisco Wireless Controllers - Basic concepts, models and benefits they provide to companies.
Readers can head directly to our Cisco Product Datasheets & Guides where they can find the Cisco Wireless Controllers (WLC) Datasheet section amongst other Cisco products.
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