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Global IPv6 Strategies

Title:              Global IPv6 Strategies
Authors:        Patrick Grossetete, Ciprian P. Popoviciu, Fred Wettling
ISBN-10(13): 1587053438
Publisher:      Cisco Press
Published:     May 25, 2008
Edition:         1st Edition
Language:     English



Global IPv6 Strategies

IPv6 adoption doesn't really mean much to most people or organizations today, even though we've all heard at some point that IPv4 IP addresses are being depleted rapidly, the problem is not yet that evident.

In all honesty, we had our doubts about this Cisco Press title, but the first 30 (out of a total of 400) pages put things into perspective. The title helps you clearly understand what IPv6 is all about. Its approach is brilliant – with the handful of real statistics and examples it provides, you will realize that IPv6 is not about a new breakthrough or trend but a solution to an uprising problem.

The fact is that the global network, aka ‘Internet', relies on a 30 year old protocol originally developed for a much smaller network. The growth of the Internet was unforeseeable, as were the problems to be encountered. The experts agree that the IPv4 addressing space will be completely depleted by the year 2015.

Global IPv6 Strategies kicks off with an analysis of this depletion, providing accurate information and a unique methodology, suddenly you are aware of the impact and significance of this problem. It then tackles the myths and realities of IPv4 and IPv6. Does IPv6 really offer enhanced security compared to IPv4? What about Quality of Service (QoS) and improved routing abilities of the new protocol? These questions are all demystified, along with many more, making clear that which IPv6 can and cannot offer.

Analysis of the IPv6 adoption strategies of governments and businesses all over the world is also covered, showing the actions governments have taken to research the necessity and adoption methodology of IPv6.

A brief chapter is devoted to the new services that will emerge from the IPv6 evolution in many sectors such as the educational, entertainment, business and many more.

The rest of the book is an eye opener - Real example case studies of IPv6 adoption. These case studies show IPv6 planning in the context of the business, operational and technical realities of actual organizations.

The structure the book uses for the case studies are intended to help the readers identify similarities between their environments & IT goals and those of the organizations covered in the case studies.

The structure followed in each case study is as follows:

- Company profile. Overview of the company profile and scope of its business network and IT profile, overview of the IT environment and the way it supports the business goals of the organization.

- IP infrastructure characteristics. Overview of the IP aspects of the environment, listing any challenges experienced or envisaged.

- Perspective on IPv6. Presents the organization's perspective on IPv6 as a technology, and the IPv6 adoption trends within its market space.

- The case for IPv6. Combines the perspective on IPv6 covered earlier in the book, with the early or late adoption position considered by the organization.

- IPv6 planning and implementation. The case made for IPv6 adoption shapes the adoption strategy and its implementation. Determining factors that must be considered.

Global IPv6 Strategies is not a highly technical title. It won't analyse technical perspectives of the IPv6 protocol, but it will give you the necessary knowledge to help you see the importance of the protocol, which will also help you make unavoidable important business decisions in the near future.

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