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Your CCIE Lab Success Strategy: The Non-Technical Guidebook

Title:              Your CCIE Lab Success Strategy: The Non-Technical Guidebook
Authors:        Vivek Tiwari & Dean Bahizad
ISBN-10(13): 1470103168
Publisher:      CreateSpace
Published:     March 2nd 2012
Edition:         1st Edition
Language:     English

Reviewer: Arani Mukherjee

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Your CCIE Lab Success Strategy: The Non-Technical Guidebook

This is a review of a guide book, a non technical guide which travels through various aspects of preparing for a CCIE. Achieving a CCIE is no mean feat and, I must admit, it is my ambition to do so one day. After reviewing this book I know exactly what I am going for and I know exactly what to expect. This book has a very balanced approach towards anything and everything that is involved in gaining a CCIE. I must give full credit to the authors for making this book an easy read and insightful.


While going through it, I liked a quote which goes like this: “…if you have a huge task which is outside your comfort zone, you need to break it down into smaller manageable chunks”. It instantly reminded me of something my father once told me: “A goal sometimes is too big, and at times might tend to be a bit vague. What you need to do is to break it down into small, achievable objectives.” I found this theory being practised throughout the entire text. This is most refreshing about this book.

At the beginning, the authors describe certain scenarios where people tend to get sidetracked or even discouraged while pursuing CCIE. I immediately identified with one of them, even though the target was not CCIE itself. The mere fact that most CCIE aspirants will be able to relate to at least one of the scenarios makes this book very appealing.

Through life’s various experiences I have learnt that there are two ways of doing anything, the easy way and the right way. CCIE doesn’t have an easy way. Let’s all unanimously agree on that. So all we are left with is the right way. And this book is textual proof of that.

Certain aspects of this book really got me thinking. I loved the analogy of achieving CCIE being akin to transforming from a trained doctor to a neurosurgeon. What better way to say that a CCIE is elite.

Most chapters (and there are 37 of them in total) have a ‘What We did’ section at the end. Feel free to take lessons from what the writers went through while they went about conquering their quest for CCIE.

One of my favourite chapters is no. 9 – “Set a clear Prize for Success”. Perhaps I might think of some examples of prizes to add to the list of cruises, vacations, bikes or watches when I finally manage to conquer this milestone.

Of the several underlined phrases in this book, one that will remain with me for the rest of my life is “… fuel the fire of intention, and propel yourself towards the position of your desire”. Perhaps this is applicable to not only a CCIE, but many other things in life.

The book makes a valid point about knowing one’s own learning technique. This is quite crucial when preparing for something like CCIE and it helps you to make the most of any type of training material available.

This book comes with advice on how to keep healthy while preparing for CCIE. I haven’t personally seen a single book til now which shows how you need a healthy body to have a healthy mind. Who doesn’t want to be ‘a CCIE with six pack abs’?

The chapters on ‘Do’s’ and ‘Don’t’s’ were particularly enlightening. They were quite objective and would apply to most aspirants.

The timeline strategies in the penultimate chapters are quite exceptional. I absolutely loved the naming of the various timelines and I wouldn’t dare give it away in this review, lest it diminishes this book’s charm in any way.


This book is clearly inspirational, motivational and, if I might also add, therapeutic. It is a roadmap. Stories, guidelines, personal anecdotes and experiences form part of an essential structure which will not only inspire you, but also help you in your CCIE quest. It makes a very important point about successes and failures. Not only is it important to enjoy your successes, but it is more important to manage your failures. This book does a wonderful job of giving an insight into both aspects.

The authors have done a great service to one and all by writing this book. When I mentioned earlier in this section that this book is therapeutic, I am not being too generous in my compliments. Once any reader has gone through this book he or she will understand that my claim is justified. When I finally arrive at the juncture in my life when I need to prepare for CCIE, I know exactly what to add to the repertoire of study materials.

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