Second Life CEO Speaks To House About In-Game Terrorists
Jack Writes: Boston - The founder and chief executive officer of Linden Lab, Philip Rosedale, spoke before the House Energny and Commerce subcommittee on telecom and the Internet on Tuesday. Rosedale stated that their game, Second Life, did not harbor any type of terrorist activity.
A February report was released from director of national intelligence. It called for an investigation into virtual worlds such as Second Life, as well as MMO experiences played out by gamers.
The idea behind the investigation was to see if, in these social environments, any type of terrorist activity took place.
He told the House during his talk, in regards to terrorism, that “we have never seen any evidence that there is any such activity going on in Second Life.”
He stated that the players, as well as the money in Second Life are controlled. They have the ability to police everything in a far more effective manner than that of which in the real world.
So it seems that terrorists have not learned to play Second Life just yet.
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