Londoners Cruising Thames Get Wi-Fi
Jack Writes: Free Wi-Fi service covering an eight-mile stretch of the River Thames in London was inaugurated Thursday as a free introductory period for the service got underway. The Thames Online Service said Wi-Fi will be available on boats cruising the river for about $5 an hour at the conclusion of the free trial period.
"Regular commuters on the river will now be able to access the Internet from their laptops whilst on the move," said Mike Weston, managing director for London River Services, in a statement. "Over the past few years, services and information on the river have greatly improved."
Weston noted that telecommuting workers are increasingly using Wi-Fi as they travel to and from their jobs.
Thames Online Service said the river service is just a beginning, as the firm plans to expand the network inland from both banks of the river. As things stand now, passengers on boats cruising the Thames will be able to use the service as boats move through the heart of London, Europe's largest city. London itself has widespread deployment of Wi-Fi
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