Free Online Security Scan Service!
Our large community is well aware of the high-quality free services our site offers.
Following the spirit, GFI has just announced an excellent Free service (no registration required), that all IT Managers, engineers, and end users would love to make use of. Its name is 'EndPointScan' and here's what it does: EndPointScan, is an industry-first, free online service that allows anyone to check what devices are or have been connected to computers on their network and by whom. Using this diagnostic tool, one can identify those areas where the use of portable storage devices could pose a risk to the integrity of the company’s systems and data.
We gave the tool a quick test-run and were stunned by the results which took less than a minute to complete, for our local workstation.
Do yourself a big favor and give it a try - you'll surely be left surprised with its findings!
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