Skip to main content 15 Years’ Success – New Logo – New Identity – Same Mission

This December (2015) is a very special one. It signals 15 years of passion, education, learning, success and non-stop ‘routing’ of knowledge and technical expertise to the global IT community.

What began 15 years ago as a small pitiful website, with the sole purpose of simplifying complicated networking & security concepts and sharing them with students, administrators, network engineers and IT Managers, went on to become one of the most recognised and popular network security websites in the world.

Thanks to a truly dedicated and honest team, created mainly after our forums kicked in on the 24th of October 2001, was able to rapidly expand and produce more high-quality content that attracted not only millions of new visitors but also global vendors.

Our material was all of a sudden used at colleges and universities, was referenced by thousands of engineers and sites around the world, then Cisco Systems referenced resources in its official global CCNA Academy Program!

Today we look back and feel extremely proud of our accomplishment and, after all the recognition, positive feedback from millions and success stories from people who moved forward in their professional career thanks to, we feel obligated to continue working hard to help this amazing IT community.

Readers who have been following since the beginning will easily identify the colourful logo that has been with us since the site first went online. While we’ve changed the site’s design & platform multiple times the logo has remained the same, a piece of our history to which users can relate.

Obviously times have changed since 2000 and we felt (along with many other members) that it was time to move forward and replace our logo with one that will better suit the current design & community, but at the same time make a real statement about who we are and what our mission is.

So, without any further delay, we would like to present to our community the new logo: - New Logo - The Site for Networking Professionals


Explaining Our New Logo

Our new logo communicates what and its community are all about. The new slogan precisely explains what we do: Route (verb) Information (knowledge) and Expertise to our audience of Network Professionals – that’s you. Of course, we still remain The No.1 Site for Networking Professionals :)

The icon on the left is a unique design that tells two stories:

  1. It’s a router, similar to Cisco’s popular Visio router icons, symbolising the “routing” process of information & expertise mentioned in our slogan.
  2. It symbolises four IT professionals: three represent our community (red) – that’s you, and the fourth (blue) is the team. All four IT professionals are connected (via their right arm) and share information with each other (the arrows).

We hope our readers will embrace the new logo as much as we did and continue to use as a trusted resource for IT Networking and Security topics.

On behalf of the Team - Thank you for all your support. We wouldn’t be here without you.

Chris Partsenidis
Founder & Editor-in-Chief

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