Skip to main content Free Cisco Lab: Tutorial Overview

The Free Cisco lab tutorials were created to help our members get the most out of our labs by providing a step-by-step guide to completing specific tasks that vary in difficulty and complexity.

While you are not restricted to these tutorials, we do recommend you take the time to read through them as they cover a variety of configurations designed to enhance your knowledge and experience with these devices.

As one would expect, the first tutorials are simple and designed to help you move gradually into deeper waters. As you move on to the rest of the tutorials, the difficulty will increase noticeably, making the tutorials more challenging.

NOTE: In order to access our labs, you will need to open TCP ports 2001 to 2010. These ports are required so you can telnet directly into the equipment.

Following is a list of available tutorials:

Task 1: Basic Router & Switch Configuration

Router: Configure router's hostname and Ethernet interface. Insert a user mode and privilege mode password, enable secret password, encrypt all passwords, configure VTY password. Perform basic connectivity tests, check nvram, flash and system IOS version. Create a banner motd.

Switch: Configure switch's hostname, Ethernet interface, System name, Switching mode, Broadcast storm control, Port Monitoring, Port configuration, Port Addressing, Network Management, Check Utilisation Report and Switch statistics.

Task 2: Intermediate Router Configuration

Configure the router to place an ISDN call toward a local ISP using ppp authentication (CHAP & PAP). Set the appropriate default gateway for this stub network and configure simple NAT Overload to allow internal clients to access the Internet. Ensure the call is disconnected after 5 minutes inactivity.

Configure Access Control Lists to restrict telnet access to the router from the local network. Create a local user database to restrict telnet access to specific users.

Block all ICMP packets originating from the Local LAN towards the Internet and allow the following Internet services to the local LAN: www, dns, ftp, pop & smtp. Ensure you apply the ACL's to the router's private interface.

Block all incoming packets originating from the Internet.

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