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Cisco Nexus - MDS Data Center Switches

cisco nexus data center switches datasheetsDownload datasheets, supervisor engine options, I/O modules, product compatibility matrix, supporting documentation and more for the popular Cisco Nexus Data Center switches.

With over 90 datasheets available we offer a complete and comprehensive list of datasheets and information covering the following Data Center products: Nexus 9000, Nexus 7000, Nexus 5000, Nexus 3000, Nexus 2000, Nexus 1000v and MDS 9000 Family.

Technical articles covering the Nexus and Data Center technologies can be accessed through our Cisco Data Center Section.


Cisco MDS9000 & Fabric Data Center Switches
 7.18 MB

Datasheets and technical information covering the MDS 9000 and MDS Fabric Switches used to address high performance storage networking needs for large and small data centers. More technical information and ..

Cisco Nexus 1000V Virtual Data Center Switches
 2.05 MB

Datasheets and technical information covering the Nexus 1000v series virtual switches. These switches provide a comprehensive and extensible architectural platform for virtual machine (VM) and cloud networking. The switches ..

Cisco Nexus 2000 Series Data Center Switches
 1.93 MB

Datasheets and technical information covering the Nexus 2000 series switches. These fabric extenders deliver 100 MB and 1/10/40 Gigabit Ethernet server connectivity with 10/40 GE uplinks. They integrate into ..

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series Data Center Switches
 4.95 MB

Datasheets and technical information covering the Nexus 3000 series switches which offer offers low-latency, highly-programmable, high-density switches. These compact fixed data center switches are excellent for general-purpose deployments, high-performance ..

Cisco Nexus 5000 Series Data Center Switches
 3.8 MB

Datasheets and technical information covering the Nexus 5000 series switches which offer high-density Top-of-Rack (ToR) Layer 2 and Layer 3, 10/40 Gigabit Ethernet with unified ports in compact one-, ..

Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Data Center Switches
 10.91 MB

Datasheets and technical information covering the Nexus 7000 series switches which deliver a comprehensive Cisco NX-OS feature set alongside with high-density 10, 40, and 100 Gigabit Ethernet ports. More technical ..

Cisco Nexus 9000 Series Data Center Switches
 5.39 MB

Datasheets and technical information covering the Nexus 9000 series switches which offer high performance and density, low latency, and exceptional power efficiency with the ability to operate in Cisco ..