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Iperf - Jperf Network Bandwidth, Delay, Jitter Tester HOT!


Iperf - Jperf Network Bandwidth, Delay, Jitter Tester

Iperf is an extremely useful tool that allows an engineer or administrator test their LAN, WAN or Wi-Fi links and discover problems, delays, packet loss, measure jitter, maximum bandwidth and much more.

Detailed instructions on how to use Iperf/Jperf can be found at our article: Measuring Network Performance: Test Network Throughput, Delay-Latency, Jitter, Transfer Speeds, Packet loss & Reliability. Packet Generation Using Iperf / Jperf.

The zip file contains the following folders:
Iperf - Dos CLI:  CLI based version of Iperf. Runs under a Windows DOS prompt
Iperf - Linux: CLI based version of Iperf for Linux server or workstation operating system
Jperf - Windows GUI:  The Java GUI based  version of Iperf, allows easy access to all supported options with the click of a few buttons.

It is highly recommended users read our article above to understand how to fully utilise Iperf/Jperf.

File Name:
Category: Administrator Utilities
File Size: 3.99 MB
File Type: application/zip
Download: 5260 times
Created Date: 24-04-2023
Last Updated Date: 24-04-2023