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MS Server Articles:

Windows Servers
This article provides a comprehensive guide to deploying Active Directory and DNS Services on Windows Server 2022, encompassing the Essential, Stan...
Windows Servers
This article serves as an Active Directory tutorial covering installation and setup of Windows 2012 Active Directory Services Role & Domain Con...
Windows Servers
The Windows Server 2008 first carried FSRM or Fie Server Resources Manager, which allowed administrators to define the file types that users could ...
Windows Servers
Most would remember the days we had to have a CDROM or DVDROM in order to proceed with the installation of an operating system. Today, it is very c...

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Virtualization & VM Backup Articles:

SysAdmin Day has arrived, and with it, gratitude for all the unsung heroes that 2020 has needed. Your hard work has made it possible for all of us ...
In this article, we'll show you how to deal with VMs which are reported to have an Invalid Status as shown in the screenshot below. This is a ...
The Free Backup Bible Complete Edition written by backup expert and Microsoft MVP Eric Siron, is comprised of 200+ pages of actionable content divi...
Celebrate World Backup Day and WIN with Altaro! We all remember how grateful we were to have backup software when facing so many data loss mishap...

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All-in-one protection for Microsoft 365

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Linux - Unix
So far we have covered in great detail the main files required for the domain. These files, which we named and db.192.168.0, ...
Linux - Unix
The db.192.168.0 zone data file is the second file we need to create and configure for our BIND DNS server. As outlined in the DNS-BIND Introduction, th...
Linux - Unix
The first question is - what are the benefits of using Linux instead of Windows? This is in fact a constant debate between the Windows and Linux communi...
Linux - Unix
This article was written thanks to our recent encounter of a HP DL120 G7 rack mount server equipped with a HP Smart Array B110i SATA Raid controller, ne...

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Cisco Switches
Errdisable is a feature that automatically disables a port on a Cisco Catalyst switch. When a port is error disabled, it is effectively shut down a...
Cisco Switches
There’s a new switch around the block and its name is Catalyst 3850 – Cisco’s latest addition to its successful Catalyst series switches. The Cisco Cata...
VLAN Networks
We mentioned that Trunk Links are designed to pass frames (packets) from all VLANs, allowing us to connect multiple switches together and independently ...
Cisco Routers
MPLS generates Implicit Null label (The Implicit NULL label is the label that has a value of 3) for directly connected interfaces and for the summary ro...