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bypassing websense without proxy use???

18 years 1 week ago #20034 by Conkabar
is there such a way to bypass the websense filtering program without the use of a proxy server? my school uses websense and they've gotten smarter about proxy servers. they changed the internet option settings and has made the LAN Settings unavailable. my personal login account still has it there however but everytime i use a proxy, i always get the "could not find site" page. i wish they made those more colorful btw. help. please and thank you!!! :wink:
18 years 1 week ago #20038 by Smurf
Here we are talking about two different things.

Anonymous proxies are used to get around these things but these are on the internet and you don't configure you IE proxy settings in order to use them. Websense has a comprehensive database of anonymous proxies so its very rare that you will find one that is allowed (providing that Websense is configured to block anonymous proxies).

The IE thing is just to tell you local Internet Explorer to route traffic through a proxy server. Some establishments do not allow direct HTTP Port 80 traffic from internal clients to leave their network and force clients to go through a Proxy server to ensure that a deeper level of scanning can occur at the Application Layer of the OSI (scans the data portion of the packets to try and catch more stuff). If ISA is being used as the proxy server, then even if the client isn't configured to use a proxy server, the ISA Server has a Proxy Filter that will intercept all port 80 traffic and pass it to the proxy service anyway so even then you are technically using the proxy functions.

If that makes sense

Wayne Murphy Team Member

Now working for a Security Company called Sec-1 Ltd in the UK, for any
Penetration Testing work visit or PM me for details.
18 years 1 week ago #20069 by Conkabar
ok well i found a free proxy server online called which worked for about 3 days. now its being websensed under the topic "Proxy Avoidance". it works sumtimes though and for certain people. im confuzzled :?
18 years 1 week ago #20072 by Smurf
Hehe, well sounds like whoever is running the websense box hasn't configured it quite right or their blocking policies may differ for different people.

Also it will depend on if your school uses the Webcatcher feature of websense. This will basically send off all uncategorised websites every night to Websense. These are then ordered into the most accessed and then websense evaluate them and categorise them quicker.

Wayne Murphy Team Member

Now working for a Security Company called Sec-1 Ltd in the UK, for any
Penetration Testing work visit or PM me for details.
17 years 11 months ago #20322 by sahirh

Give it a shot... might be slow as hell though.

Tor encrypts as well, right from where you ingress the tor system to the egress point.

If you're doing this at school it's probably better not to run around trying to get past the system. I'm the first one to advocate sticking it to the man, but chances are you'll just restrict your freedom more if they find you doing this stuff... take it from experience.


Sahir Hidayatullah. Staff - Associate Editor & Security Advisor
17 years 11 months ago #20332 by Smurf
Nope, sorry its classified under Proxy Avoidence in Websense's Database (just had to query their database) :)

Wayne Murphy Team Member

Now working for a Security Company called Sec-1 Ltd in the UK, for any
Penetration Testing work visit or PM me for details.
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